Zayra Mo

The Alpha Room Digital Album


The Alpha Room contains 3 live sessions of music therapy performed and produced by Zayra Mo. It is a unique and ideal work to meditate, calm your mind or to do yoga ... Get the entrainment effect by listening this sound therapy where Zayra Mo uses frequencies to uplift and relax your mind and your body.

Sound Healings List:

  1. Sankalpa : Duration 4:28 minutes
  2. Oasis 77: Duration 30:51 minutes
  3. Happy Hour to Soul Evolution : Duration 56:02 minutes

The sound waves produced by the Crystal Singing Bowls induce a deep state of relaxation (alpha and theta state) driving consciousness towards an inner journey to a state of plenitude. It has been scientifically proven that through meditation a significant increase in the production of T lymphocytes in blood, responsible for the immune system, is generated.

Also, the crystalline sound reverberating in the brain triggers in the hypothalamus the secretion of curative neurotransmitter substances such as neuropeptides, endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

Crystal Singing Bowls contain within themselves a power that goes far beyond mere musicality, and that requires both our conscious openness to be perceived, as well as the correct disposition and intention to be used. With the bowl we establish a ‘spiritual’ relationship from heart to heart.

A crystal singing bowl is a sonic instrument used by doctors like Dr. Richard L. Gaynor, an American oncologist, who usually works with Crystal Singing Bowls with his patients, states that "sound can lead us, like a laser, to the very centre of our essence, to the highest realization of our spirit and achieve a healthy body.”