The Yogi World

Natural Gemstone Stretch Bracelets, with Lava Beads and Brass Spacer Beads - Pick Your Gemstone


Natural Gemstone Stretch Bracelets, with Lava Beads and Brass Spacer Beads, Abacus and Round, Faceted

Size: about 54mm(2-1/8") inner diameter, bead: 8mm in diameter.

. Labradorite : A stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance. It balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness and grounds spiritual energies. Excellent for strengthening intuition - promoting psychic abilities.

. Blue Jasper: It sustains and supports through times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Jasper provides protection and absorbs negative energy. ... Jasper clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation. It encourages honesty with one's self.

. Amazonite : is an encouraging gemstone which will increase your self-esteem and confidence and clear away any negative thoughts. In addition, Amazonite is a balancing gemstone, for your masculine and feminine sides or yin and yang, and will let you to appreciate opinions or feeling from both sides.

. Green Agate : is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilises the aura, eliminating and transforming negativity. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration, perception and analytical abilities.

. Dalmata Jade: appeals to the child within us all, fortifying the spirit and encouraging a sense of playfulness. It is particularly beneficial for those who are overly analytical, returning some of the intellectual carefulness back into the physical joy of simply being. It has a grounding energy, supportive of family and loyalty, and has a calming influence for children and animals.

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